ΕRASMUS+ Youth Exchange "TAKE ACTION!"
Που; Λάρνακα, ΚΥΠΡΟΣ
Πότε; 30 Μαρτίου - 6 Απριλίου 2019
Συμμετέχοντες: 4 άτομα 18 έως 30 ετών & 1 άτομο (team leader) χωρίς όριο ηλικίας.
Καλύπτονται 100% διαμονή και διατροφή και έως 275 ευρώ για εισιτήρια.

The Youth Exchange will bring together 25 participants (aged 18-30 plus one youth leader with no age limit) from Greece, Spain, Italy, Cyprus and Latvia.
The main objective is to introduce the methodology of STREET ART: graffiti, pavement and street painting, murals, etc. and how can be used within the local communities in order to facilitate the inclusion process especially among the youth coming from different cultural backgrounds.
Profile of participants:
- Young people age 18-30
- Social workers, artists and youth who work with creativity
- Interested to learn how to use art as a social educative tool.
The youth exchange is divided in two parts: the theoretic part in which the participants have the space to share their experiences regarding non formal education and artistic projects and the practical part where there will be the implementation of a Community Art Action, organized by the organizations and the youngsters of the downtown area in Larnaca. This Youth Exchange has a special character, since the participants will be working closely with the local community in order to help them develop a street art Project.
The participants will learn the impact that a community art project can have in improving the social dialogue. The youth exchange is designed to generate new projects based on the experience. On local and international level, as well as within the frame of the Erasmus+ Program (to promote EVS and Youth Exchanges) as other initiatives.
International collaboration will be highly stimulated.
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